
Customer Testimonials

29 Dec 2020

"I run a small, but growing, ministry site and I am proud to know that my web hosting is through Olympia Web Hosting. One of the greatest benefits is knowing that my site is up and knowing that people can access it without a problem. More importantly, I know that if there is ever a problem, Olympia Web Hosting is going to take care of all of my needs in a timely fashion. All I can do is praise Olympia Web Hosting for their quality of service and what they offer to their clients."

Tracy Goodwin

17 Nov 2020

"I have been with Olympia Web Hosting for about 6 months now. I tried several of the really big boys first, Big Mistake.Ihsp people always answer the phone, or they return my call promptly. Their tech support people are knowledgeable and they actually help fix my issues, not just email me a link to some forum where someone else had the same issue. I recommend them highly. Please contact me for a personal reference if you need one."

Dennis Azevedo

05 june 2020

I built my first web site in 1990. Back then you did not have many choices for web hosting. The decision of who to host with was usually your ISP. Times have changed and the number of companies offering hosting is staggering. They all claim to be the best, fastest and most affordable. It is a daunting task to weed through the sales hype. Even for a seasoned pro, locating quality hosting is largely trial and error.

I have been with Olympia Web Hosting for about a year now and they deliver exactly what they advertise. The speed of the servers is top notch and the hosting plans come with everything a developer needs. The prices are more than fair, I�ve paid much more for lesser hosting. Support is very good and the techs will go above and beyond what is required and will help to educate their clients. Basically they will do what ever it takes to make sure you�re comfortable and productive with your new hosting service.

I highly recommend Olympia Web Hosting, it�s where I host my customers sites and it�s where I host my personal sites and the only hosting company I recommend.

Mark Hochhaus




18 june 2020

TradeSmart is the fastest growing barter network in the industry. We are an internet based business, and can not tolerate hosting failures. Olympia Web Hosting has been the absolute finest, supporting our crucial internet market place.

It is so refreshing, to have their individualized, dependable, personal service! Each time we call, we speak with a real technician, not a computer, and they can find our account without a 10 digit number. We have never experienced the slightest degree of delay or down time. Olympia Web, is not only our choice, but the choice of many of our members.

Elizabeth Carr, CFO

TradeSmart Barter Systems